The prostate is a gland only found in men. It is situated below the bladder and above the penis and is part of their urogenital system. This gland is no bigger than the size of a walnut plays an important role in the function of bladder control and sexual function. It is often found that men who do not ejaculate are more at risk of having an enlarged prostate leading to further complications.
During ejaculation the urethra is lubricated with a secretion made by the prostate gland. This lubrication allows motility of the semen in the urethra. The white appearance of seminal fluid is created by about 1/3 of the fluid made by the prostate gland.
Some men may find that they have discomfort, problems to urinate, slow flow of urination and/or problems to ejaculate. This may be caused by a condition which is not uncommon called ”Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia” or ‘BPH”. Due to the swelling of the prostate gland men encounter slow urine flow, erectile dysfunction or impotence. If left untreated can lead to all sorts of physiological complications.
As this condition is a slow process the symptoms are not evident and the man may go many years without seeking help, mainly out of embarrassment or simply because they think it is part of the ‘getting older’ process.
Symptoms of prostate problems
Frequent urination. You may find that you are getting up during the night more frequent (nocturia)
When you do urinate it is difficult to start and the flow may be so slow that it is a trickle.
A burning sensation during urination or ejaculation. (not to be mixed up with a bladder infection)
Getting an erection is difficult and the more you tend to concentrate the worse it becomes.
On examination the doctor may carry out a digital rectal examination (DRE). This involves him/her wearing a lubricated glove and inserting their finger into the rectum to feel for the enlarged prostate gland from the wall of the rectum. (often the massage of the gland this way does release a lot of the pressure and pain, which eventually shrinks the prostate)
alternatively he/she may examine the urethra, prostate, and bladder using a cytoscope, an instrument that is inserted through the penis.
There are several treatments available and depending in which country and which doctor you see will vary in treatments. Some of the medications do have side effects and it is important to ask your doctor what all the side effects are before deciding if the possibility of the side effects are worse than what they are meant to be treating.
Before going down the surgery or chemical medication route you could try natural remedies to see if they do help. There are several on the market. The one we researched which had the highest success rates was the Bell Lifestyle Products. People who had prostate problems found that the Bells ezee flow tea really helped.
Chamomile, cinnamon twigs, cranberry, damiana, willow flower, ginseng, lavender, lemon, red peony, saw palmetto, stinging nettle, water plantain.
Healing properties of these natural ingredients (these ingredients have been used in different medicines dating back thousands of years and are used as a base in the modern medicines of today)
Chamomile This herb is known for its ability to calm and relax the entire body. Its natural soothing properties make it valuable for supporting healthy nervous system function. Cinnamon Twigs Able to act on the lung, heart and urinary bladder channels. One German study showed that cinnamon “suppresses completely” the cause of most urinary-tract infections (Escherichia coli bacteria). Cranberry Cranberry contains high levels of antioxidants which have health promoting properties. It contains special phytochemicals which prevent the adherence of bacteria to membranes. This property explains why cranberry is used to prevent urinary tract infections, stomach ulcers and has many research papers showing the effectiveness against cancer. Damiana Mild purgative, diuretic, tonic, stimulant, aphrodisiac, urinary antiseptic used in several applications to increase sexual stimulation, increases energy, oxygenate genital area, asthma, depression, impotence and menstrual problems. Willow Flower Not much is known about this as this seems to have properties which are still being discovered. It has been used for decades to promote a stronger prostate. Ginseng Korean Ginseng is by far holds the most powerful properties of the ginseng family. The root is used helping combat the effects of stress and impotency Lavender The ketones in lavender reduce pain and inflammation. Lemon There are so many healing properties in lemons, the main ones are the antioxidents and anti cancer. The vitamin C helps reduce and nutralize the effects of free radicals that contribute to cancer and heart disease. Red Peony Because red peony is cold and bitter, it is able to reduce liver heat as well as heat in the blood. It has a dispersing property, can invigorate the blood, and remove congealed blood, and is therefore often used in treating pain due to blood stagnation. Saw Palmetto Saw Palmetto is the secret weapon. It has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment against Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Stinging Nettle Stinging nettle is rich in chlorophyll, phosphates, ormic acid, histamine, volatile and resinous acids, tannins, glucoquinine, iron, calcium, potassium, silica, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E. The water-soluble polysaccharides in nettle stimulate the immune system, and large protein-sugar molecules known as lectins. The flavonoids and potassium in nettle leaves are responsible for their diuretic action. Root preparations are used to relieve some of the symptoms of BPH Water Plantain Properties which hold healing properties for anal fistulas and the juice used as a diurtic. Information note: The information provided is for educational use only. I strongly recommend anyone with any medical condition to seek advice from your medical advisor. Many traditional remedies are not recognised by the FDA and MHRA due to the fact that there is not enough clinical evidence to back up claims. Many herbs have been used successfully for centuries in helping certain conditions, however due to the costs (around £1/2 million) to conduct a 250 double blind clinical trial, many herbalists can not afford this and therefore many good natural remedies never get a chance to prove themselves. The huge medicine manufacturers on the other hand can afford millions of pounds to throw at a trial due to the cost they charge for the medicines. With any medication there can always be side effects, you have to determine if the side effects outway the condition they are meant to treat. Very few herbal remedies have major side effects but on the other hand are they effective enough to work? www.bellslifestyleproducts.com offer true customer testimonials which prove their products have worked for them. This entry was posted on Saturday, October 2nd, 2010 at 10:44 am and is filed under Prostate.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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