Friday 15 October 2010

Treating Erectile Dysfunction the Easy Way

There are many physical and psychological causes of erectile dysfunction. Most doctors regard erectile dysfunction as a symptom of a greater underlying medical condition. For example, a reduced blood flow to the penis or some nerve damage can cause erectile dysfunction. The good news is that treating erectile dysfunction is not as hard as it used to be.

Bigger medical conditions that cause erectile dysfunction include vascular disease, diabetes, illegal drugs and some prescribed medicines, thyroid and hormonal disorders, nerve disorders, and venous leaks. It can also be due to psychological factors like stress and anxiety or physical trauma like pelvic surgeries, radiation treatments, chemotherapy or spinal injury. If the spinal injury is great, treating erectile dysfunction resulting from this type of trauma may be impossible.

Lack of the mineral zinc can impede the growth and maturation of the reproductive system. It can also interfere with normal reproductive functions and process, including erection, which is an important step in the reproductive process. Deficiency in zinc can even lead to downright impotence. It can also lead to other problems like diarrhea, poor appetite and drastic undesirable weight loss and hair loss. Zinc is very important in the normal functioning of the body and immune system. treating erectile dysfunction often calls for an increase in the patient's zinc intake.

Actually, the easiest method in treating erectile dysfunction is to eat wholesome foods, or "superfoods" as they are often called. In treating erectile dysfunction/, it is vital for you to include a lot of foods rich in zinc like red meat, soy foods like tofu and soy milk, cereals that are zinc fortified, peanuts, almonds and chickpeas and low fat dairy products. Your best bet in getting the right amount of zinc is by eating oysters. Just six oysters will be enough to give you the recommended daily allowance of the zinc you need.

Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals can also help in treating erectile dysfunction. They detoxify your body. So be sure to eat fresh, unrefined and unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Bright colored berries like strawberries and blueberries improve the vascular system. Green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, olive oil and cold-water fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut and mackerel all have heart friendly qualities like Omega-3 and good cholesterol which is responsible in maintaining good circulation.

Whenever possible, avoid sugar and other processed goods and dairy products that are not low or non fat. Avoid fried and junk foods and also caffeine. These are food items that contribute to high cholesterol and elevated blood sugar levels which are two of the reasons for erectile dysfunction and poor health in general. Try detox diets as often as you could, so flush out harmful toxins in the body. If you are not ready for a detox diet, simply drink a lot of water. A good rule of thumb that you can follow is to drink half of your body's weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 180 pounds, try to drink 90 ounces of water. Treating erectile dysfunction has to start somehow, and what a good way this is to start.

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