Tuesday 19 October 2010

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

The first thing you have to know is the process of male sexual arousal. It is a very complex process that involves the brain, hormones and your emotions. It also involves your nerves, muscles and blood vessels. If there is something wrong with any of these systems, erectile dysfunction can occur.

The penis comprises of two cylindrical structures made of a sort of spongy tissue. When a man is aroused sexually, the brain sends a nerve impulse to cause blood to flow into these spongy muscles which expands them, many times its size. This influx of blood into the penis is what causes the penis to stiffen during an erection.

If the sexual stimulation is sustained, the blood is retained in the penis, which keeps it firm. After ejaculation, or if the sexual excitement passes, the extra blood drains out of the penis and it returns to its non-erect size and shape.

So what causes erectile dysfunction? The element that causes it is often debated on and at some point doctors thought that it was caused only by psychological factors. But this is not always the case. While stress and self-esteem are two of the most common reasons for it, the main factor that causes erectile dysfunction is a lack of attention to individual health. People who are in poor health or are often on medication have higher chances at experiencing erectile dysfunction. One very common physical problem that causes erectile dysfunction is excessive weight or obesity.

There are also other diseases that cause erectile dysfunction. For example, heart disease or clogged blood vessels or atherosclerosis causes erectile dysfunction because it prevents healthy blood circulation which is essential for erection. Diabetes, high blood pressure and thyroid problems also contribute to the disorder.

Another problem that causes erectile dysfunction is pelvic surgery. This may hinder the flow of blood, or even sever nerve cells and inhibit erection. Men also get it if they sustain spinal cord injuries that affect the body from the waist down. In cases like these, the erectile dysfunction cannot be treated anymore, and will cause permanent erection problems, or non-erection, depending on how grave the spinal injury is.

Tobacco usage, which affects hormone and sperm production, can also cause erectile dysfunction. Some prescription medicines affect the ability of a man to sustain erections, especially medications that are used for treatment of high blood pressure. Chemotherapy and other cancer treatments may also cause erectile dysfunction. Most of the time, doctors view erectile dysfunction only as a symptom of a greater underlying medical condition, they focus on the treatment or management of the medical condition and usually, the erection problems will correct itself.

The brain also has a key role in the process that allows erection, which begins with sexual arousal or excitement. Emotional problems like depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue or sexual miscommunication can cause or worsen erection problems. In many cases, the physical predisposition and the psychological pressure is the reason why erectile dysfunction occurs. For instance, a man that already has some small physical problem, like high cholesterol, can build up anxiety about sustaining his erection long enough. The resulting problem can be a prolonged erection problem.

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1 comment:

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